LA Unscripted | June 16th, 2022

It's your guide to L A the unscripted way . And tonight we're revealing one of las coolest venues , the Ford Theater . Hello , everyone and welcome to L A unscripted .

LA Unscripted | June 16th, 2022

Hello , everyone and welcome to L A unscripted . I'm David Devins and I'm Doug KK and this is the $80 million new and improved Ford Theater . One of the best places to see an open air concert established in 1920 surrounded by nature and a sound system that performers love .

LA Unscripted | June 16th, 2022

We're one of the oldest performing arts venues in the city of Los Angeles . The Ford is a county facility and as part of that , the county actually invested about $80 million in the renovation of the theater and it's absolutely gorgeous . The Ford is super unique in that unlike any other amphitheater in Los Angeles , so the backdrop for every single performance is the hillside , unlike some other venues that actually uses the hillside to put the seats kind of against it but it is absolutely an amazing space .

LA Unscripted | June 16th, 2022

And I will say that every artist sounds incredible no matter where you are . It was originally conceived as a theater space . So it was called the Pilgrimage Theater .

LA Unscripted | June 16th, 2022

And um it switched in the 19 thirties into becoming a county facility where because of the separation of church and state , you couldn't necessarily perform religious plays in a county facility . The towers that are the iconic part of the Ford stage are actually a nod to the Gates of Jerusalem . So it tells you a little bit of the history of how it was conceived and what was intended to perform here .