How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Where if you're very fasted , you're going to have a high degree of focus and concentration . But then if you ingest some food and your belly is full , your focus and concentration is reduced . But having enough blood glucose and maybe even elevated blood glucose will increase cognitive function .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So to make this very simple or as simple as I can for you being fasted is great for focus and concentration provided you're not thinking about food the entire time and being fed is terrific for focus and concentration actually can improve neuronal function provided that you didn't eat too much food . So one way to manage this is if you're going to have a lunch to make sure that you don't stuff yourself at lunch that you're not overeating and to not get quite so full that you put your nervous system into this parasympathetic mode and make it hard to focus in the afternoon . I know a lot of people experience a dip or even a crash in energy in the afternoon that make it really hard to focus .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And my mental work both early and late in the day . So to make this very simple or as simple as I can for you being fasted is great for focus and concentration provided you're not thinking about food the entire time and being fed is terrific for focus and concentration actually can improve neuronal function provided that you didn't eat too much food . So one way to manage this is if you're going to have a lunch to make sure that you don't stuff yourself at lunch that you're not overeating and to not get quite so full that you put your nervous system into this parasympathetic mode and make it hard to focus in the afternoon .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you sort of have to pick your condition . What do you want for your bouts of focus and concentration ? I actually do both .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's my first focus bout of 90 minutes or less . That is essentially done fasted and then I'll eat and then I do notice after I eat , I actually have a diminished capacity to focus . But then again , in the afternoon , I will do another 90 minute bout of focus and I'll talk about some of the tools I use to make sure that that bout of focus is optimal for getting the most amount of focused work done whether or not it's mental work or physical work .