How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And as I mentioned before , your ability to think and perceive things is actually enhanced by having sufficient glucose in your bloodstream . So why would it be that some people experience a heightened state of mental clarity when they are fasted ? I've certainly experienced that before .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So they opt for intermittent fasting and so on and so forth . But one of the things that you hear very often is that some people like being fasted because they like the clarity of mind that it provides . Here's the situation , neurons , unless you're in a ketogenic diet , really thrive on glucose .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

On one end of the spectrum , blood glucose is relatively low and you're fasted and you can think and behave in a very concentrated way and on the other end of the spectrum , you have a lot of blood glucose or I should say sufficient blood glucose , you never want your blood glucose to be too high . And that allows your neurons to encode and perceive and basically allow you to think really clearly . So you sort of have to pick your condition .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you sort of have to pick your condition . What do you want for your bouts of focus and concentration ? I actually do both .

How Fasting Impacts Your Ability to Focus | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Your ability to focus and in fact , your ability of neurons to encode specific information in your environment . That is to represent what's out there in the world is actually related to your blood glucose level .