How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , if we continue on the same theme , which is saying , OK , we use some sort of pressure manipulation to enhance recovery . If compression is one strategy , you can also use things like um compression boots or garments and these are nomadic devices that will , you know , pump uh air outside you and compress uh back and forth . There's any number of devices that will do this .

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So what are some other methods that we can use to alleviate acute soreness ? Well , if we continue on the same theme , which is saying , OK , we use some sort of pressure manipulation to enhance recovery . If compression is one strategy , you can also use things like um compression boots or garments and these are nomadic devices that will , you know , pump uh air outside you and compress uh back and forth .

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You just have to be careful because you are going to put more blood flow in the area . And so you , you may walk out of there with some additional acute swelling , which is then gonna put greater pressure on there . So uh you have to kind of play with that .

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So this would be massage and body work . Um They're all really working as best we can tell on the same mechanisms which are effectively moving fluid in and out of the tissue as well as potentially enhancing blood flow , uh increasing capitalization and which is going to only get nutrients in and waste products out . So you can kind of pick and choose based upon your budget , uh preferences , availability , timing , things like that .

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I I can tell you anecdotally . We've used hot and cold contrast for a long time with athletes . Um Some love it , some don't care for it and everything in between .