How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I I can tell you anecdotally . We've used hot and cold contrast for a long time with athletes . Um Some love it , some don't care for it and everything in between .

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But , um , personal preference on this one , you can also make it a little bit easier on yourself there . Is not nearly as much evidence , but there is some on contrast stuff . So , uh this is when you go cold , hot and sort of back and forth , there are no really good rules in terms of how much should you go ?

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So what are some other methods that we can use to alleviate acute soreness ? Well , if we continue on the same theme , which is saying , OK , we use some sort of pressure manipulation to enhance recovery . If compression is one strategy , you can also use things like um compression boots or garments and these are nomadic devices that will , you know , pump uh air outside you and compress uh back and forth .

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We're not , we're just treating symptoms , uh which is first line of defense , but you really need to go back and figure out why it's happening to begin with as a solution . Um These are just different again , acute symptom management tactics .

How to Reduce Muscle Soreness | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I'm not , we'll , we'll find other routes as we , we'll get into . There's a lot of ways to enhance recovery . Um This is only one and it hasn't even really come down to stopping the problem in the first place .