And so since then I've done a lot of work , which I've always have . Um , and really just come to be comfortable in myself . I think we have a high , I think there's a high meter , a high bar for judgment in this city .
You don't do it because right ? Do unto others be that mirror that you want . I do have a red flag .
It's really hard . So I tend to go really deep and some people with you guys , of course , but out there in that world and I , and I don't choose to change myself . I'd much rather be alone or not spend time with those people .
And it is brutal to live with . And so the more you put yourself out there and the more you do things that people have the opportunity to judge you if they're not taught and trained in ways where like I am , you , you are me , we are one the stories and the details , like everything you just read on that card and I appreciate it . Of course , that's not who I am .
Those are like in the details . But I'm really just me , I'm really just me . I'm really just the moments .