GDL Eden Sassoon

If you need me , call me , stop asking me for my , I'm kidding the bank . A lot of work . It's a lot of work .

GDL Eden Sassoon

Maybe you should . We're like works . OK ?

GDL Eden Sassoon

A lot of work . It's a lot of work . But , you know , it's all , it's , it's all the same sort of good work , bad work , indifferent .

GDL Eden Sassoon

Right . It's work . It's , it's what we give , it's what we choose to do .

GDL Eden Sassoon

Um , and unless you sort of want to sell your soul to the larger thing we call in this city , I won't say it , um , have at it , but it's not for me . And so since then I've done a lot of work , which I've always have . Um , and really just come to be comfortable in myself .