Why are you happy ? You know , like just everything I could basically discover about happiness and unhappiness . I tried to discover and little by little , I started digging myself out of this deep dark depressing hole that I had dug for myself .
I think most of us do that . We take a long scenic route or path to happiness , we route it through other people , other things , other places , you know , and eventually come around to realizing that even the most beautiful car most beautiful man or woman , even the most incredible job and unlimited money can't give you the one thing that you , you know , actually essentially are . Hm .
You know , you can say all that stuff , but you gotta , you want to say it in a way that they can , that keeps their mind and their heart and their ears open to actually receiving it and actually against it , if that makes sense , right ? In , in terms of , you know , folks that are or aren't in a relationship , you know , I kind of think of it as that of the happiness journey is like maybe a four step process . It is possible to jump directly to the fourth step because the fourth step is a cheat code , ok ?
The first step is , you know , it's all about happiness being what you do , right ? So when we start a happiness journey , we mostly think , look , I wanna take some trips . I want to see some beautiful women or some incredible guys .
That goes a little bit beyond that . But the fourth step is so at some point in your journey , you realize that happiness is not what you do because sometimes you're gonna be doing something that you thought was fun and exciting . But today it sucks .