Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

So I'm really , really blessed to , you know , I'm really , really trying to see the positive um positive light , which kind of links perfectly into what we've got going on today . We talk about positive psychology and being able to put that in the forefront of your mind . So we have the king of positive psychology is to rob the knock .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

So that's the first thing . Um and , and positive psychology is about that , you know , if you're not able to pay your basic for basic necessities and you're living in abject poverty , more money will increase your happiness , right ? And so please know that that it's not just that , you know , if you , you know , are absolutely homeless and you know , poverty stricken that , you know , life is just , you know , um gonna be charmed existence .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

And I also discovered that there were lots of people that had solved for it . So that's what became my sort of research and that eventually led me to discover , you know , the field of positive psychology . So how did that ?

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

That's extraordinarily helpful . We know when it comes to happiness from a psych positive psychology perspective , almost nothing is more important than relationships , relationships matter and they matter a great deal and it doesn't have to be romantic relationships at all . Just relationships where you feel connected platonic or professional or romantic or , you know , familial , it doesn't matter .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

Great point , man . So there's a formula , you know , positive psychology researchers have come up with a formula for happiness , which is basically H equals C plus S plus V . So H is the happiness equals C circumstances and conditions .