Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

So if you were to think about or dream up your ideal life with unlimited money and unlimited partners , whatever it is you want in your life , that would only still account for 10% or less of your overall happiness score rating . OK ? Then there's the um so the C the S is really what we're talking about when we talk about sort of epigenetics .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

Yeah , it's incredible . And I think what really stuck out to me is the point that you were talking about . You had all these things that I guess from any external point of view is like , yeah , you're ticking all the boxes for happiness .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

What's up , man ? Such a great point . You're right .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

Awesome . Well , look , that was another episode of the Uncovered Podcast . I'll put all Bob's details in the show notes .

Rob Mack UNCOVERS: Positive Psychology and How This Improves our Happiness and Well-being

I really think you guys know that both and I think that's a perfect way to kind of end it there so many more questions that I would like to ask . There's so many things that we can explore , um which we probably need to do a part two at some point because you've got so much knowledge and insight in this area of positive psychology that I think that a lot of people need to hear because it's so beneficial . It's so powerful when you're really deeper and for you guys that are listening to the audio , I really want you guys to replay , you know , slow down the speed and really deep what this man is saying because this is some powerful things that might go over your head .