I thought maybe I should spend some time working on myself . And so I started taking these steps in the direction of what I thought could offer more happiness . It's , it's so interesting how , you know , we , we sort of break down like , how do we change our lives ?
So that's the first piece and sort of second piece , which is like happiness is what you do . Try to do things that bring you happiness and not do things that don't . Happiness is who you spend time with .
They experience less job burnout all these things , right ? And so happiness leads to successful life outcomes . And so the way I often say it , so people can remember it is happiness isn't only the greatest success , mean reason we want success , but happiness also leads to traditional forms of success .
So start where it's easy . So this is with the idea that happiness is what you do . So create what I call a happiness islands list .
We're gone into that same frigging room 4000 times , had the same frigging thought 4000 times and still sat on my ass and did nothing about it . This is if you are motivated by this conversation , two , want to increase your actual happiness . I really want you to do what Robert is saying in a real way .