More Happiness + Success with Robert Mack - Terri Cole

Um I have this fascinating conversation . His name is Robert Mack and he is an Ivy League educated positive psychology , expert , celebrity happiness coach , executive coach and he's also an author . He's one of the world's leading experts on the relationship between happiness and success .

More Happiness + Success with Robert Mack - Terri Cole

And then I found ear to and then I found some scientists here and there . And then eventually I was led to positive psychology . But in the beginning , I think it was very simple for me in the sense that I came to a discovery that everything I was doing clearly wasn't working , certainly not in terms of subjective well-being and happiness and peace and all that good stuff .

More Happiness + Success with Robert Mack - Terri Cole

Just give us a little nutshell for sure . So um apply positive psychology is this study and science of what makes life worth living . So most businesses , usual , usual psychology focuses on mental illness and dysfunction and weakness .

More Happiness + Success with Robert Mack - Terri Cole

And I know that people who are listening and people who have read your book and people who are , you know , in your world , so many people have struggled with suicidal ideations that are obsessive and that don't go away , like you said , the , the objective circumstances of your life , it's almost like , and I understand the guilt as well feeling like I've done all these things and I've got these things , who am I to quote unquote , sort of feel this way and yet you did feel this way . So , as you found positive psychology , first of all , for people who don't know what it is , would you just tell us a bit ? Just give us a little nutshell for sure .

More Happiness + Success with Robert Mack - Terri Cole

And so , you know , I thought that was odd and I decided to postpone the suicide for like just 15 minutes at the time and it eventually bled into an hour and more or it's been over two decades . But I just started doing some research and , uh , eventually in that research , I discovered positive psychology . Wow , that's just an amazing story .