NIL Awards 2022

And as we did that and as NIL unfolded , we've been able to get more involved with all the things you're doing now to make money . But the one big thing that I think is great about nil is not just how much money you're gonna make , it's getting you to work a muscle , a muscle that a lot of student athletes don't work until they're done playing the same muscle . Your coaches come to you and say , hey , we're going to bring a bunch of influential alums in the room .

NIL Awards 2022

Hello , everyone . I have been a sports business reporter for the last 11 years and I have to say that covering nil has been the highlight of my career . It has been so much fun to meet student athletes over the last year and learn about everything that they're doing and their entrepreneurial ventures .

NIL Awards 2022

I'm speaking of the pioneering athletes like UCL A Bruin great Ed o'bannon . These athletes sacrificed their hard earned reputations in the fight to make the nil possible for all of us . Please join me in recognizing them .

NIL Awards 2022

It is administered through the Eugene D Smith Leadership Institute , Ohio State . Student athletes are able to take advantage of nil educational programming via open doors ready . Plus Darlow rules .

NIL Awards 2022

Like I said , we're very proud of where we sit . We're happy with where this is headed and shout out to all the schools , agencies , businesses , service providers , and especially student athletes who are putting the work in to make nil long term viable and sustainable in the future . Thank you .