NIL Awards 2022

Welcome everybody to the inaugural Nil Summit and Nil Awards . My name is Jason Belzer and I am the co founder and CEO of student athlete .

NIL Awards 2022

So thank you everyone . And I'm really proud to be part of the inaugural nil awards . I got excited for a second when Mercedes Benz just won that award .

NIL Awards 2022

There's only 300 in this room . You're the massive initiative takers that are at the first ever nil summit . And I can tell you with the work that Jason and Sunil and their team have done this .

NIL Awards 2022

I also want to thank the college football Hall of Fame for being a gracious host in this beautiful facility . I'd also like to thank the nil summit organizers , especially Jason Belzer and Monique Nelson for their vision to provide this historic opportunity for us . Special shout out goes out to the nil marketplaces and platforms .

NIL Awards 2022

I want to say thank you to student athlete , nil influencer and especially the college football Hall of Fame for letting us be here . Tonight and for everybody that contributed to hosting what I'm sure will be the first of many successful nil summits . But this will be the best one because everybody remembers their first .