NIL Awards 2022

And we just can't wait for tonight because we're going to celebrate the stars from year number one . So Jason , do you want to introduce our hosts ? Yes .

NIL Awards 2022

Yes . So I'd like to introduce our host for the evening . The illustrious Darren Ravell and Charlie .

NIL Awards 2022

And obviously you all realize the importance behind this movement . I know for myself as a host for ESPN , I regularly work with professional athletes who have amazing brand opportunities , partnerships , endorsement deals , but I look around the room and I'm seeing lots of student athletes who have just as many eyeballs on them and just as much exposure as some of these professional athletes that I work with . And it's like , why shouldn't you be given that exact same opportunity ?

NIL Awards 2022

Let's get some , let's get the energy level up in here , right ? We have an after party that is coming up not too long from now and this does not bode well . Ok .

NIL Awards 2022

We began to plan this evening . It took thousands of hours and we have hundreds of people that have worked on this event including more than 30 brand partners who are seated here today and this would not be possible without them . So please give a round of applause for everybody that is involved in this event .