So you're not gonna turn it around overnight or even in a week or even a month . Um We do know , but based on neuroplasticity research that if you can do something consistently for about 22 to 66 days , you begin to rewire the brain to do it much more automatically and effortlessly and hopefully even Enjoyably . Um But it takes time and it's really hard .
But when does that kind of model from disconnection of what you went through to suddenly studying , get into the brain ? So you can rewire that because a lot of people from an external , what you went through , what I went through with my struggles to get to a newfound place of happiness takes a lot of bloody work so much , Glenn so much . I mean , honestly , it , and I felt like I was recreating the will because there wasn't like a curriculum in place at the time .
Um But it's also about the relationship between happiness and success . So lots of us have ideas about what leads to happiness . Um and , or success and most of those ideas um tend to be erroneous or flawed .
And so that was the first challenge is that I didn't really know what direction to actually look . But even when I started finding things that I thought might work or might be helpful , I just had a whole lot of difficulty applying them consistently because you are , like you said , literally rewire your brain . You know , you've been practicing something for decades at that point .
So it's really this study in science , an empirical study in science of what makes life worth living . Uh You can call it the science of happiness . It sort of goes beyond that .