Do you think you'd take that walk ? One of the , the most important things that I want to bring to , to , to the I PC that whether you're a successful businessman , positive psychologist , as well as entrepreneur , as well as a famous celebrity . It's hard work behind it .
But to understand that process , I think it's imperative so that people can go , oh , it wasn't a quick win thing . Like this day as we spoke about earlier , like everybody wants this success on this entrepreneur journey really quick , but they don't actually understand . And I once heard a saying that was like , OK , so when this all comes to fruition from God , if if to say he was having a meeting with God and he was to show you where he was going to end up with everything that you could achieve .
And you're also doing a positive psychology coach for coaches . So , is this predominantly people who have started studying it and you're just excelling that or ? Yeah , so , um great .
Yeah . And I think that's , that's important for anyone to learn . And I think when you've gone through this process of really understanding that inside happiness where it comes from , you actually remove external judgment from other people because everyone's on a different journey .
And so I teach a sort of introductory introduction to positive psychology for uh coaches , right ? So the great thing about the course is that it's really valuable for people who aren't only interested in becoming coaches , but for people who just want to live a life they love , right ? So yeah , I'm excited about the re release of that .