Benefits & Issues with Birth Control | Dr. Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I like how balanced you ask that question . So women who take oral contraceptives as long as you're describing like 10 years or longer , we call those Olympic oral contraceptive users in terms of benefit . I think that especially when they first came out and even now it gives women reproductive choice and that's essential .

Benefits & Issues with Birth Control | Dr. Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's very helpful . And it makes me wonder whether or not if on the one hand , oral contraceptives are protective in women . It's ovarian cancer , but then they have these other issues .

Benefits & Issues with Birth Control | Dr. Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's a very rational question . And I would say that's what mainstream medicine has had at its back to recommend oral contraceptives , not just for women who are seeking contraception , but for acne for painful periods , for really kind of the drop of a hat , they're prescribing oral contraceptives . That's what I was taught to do .

Benefits & Issues with Birth Control | Dr. Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So we have less data about the ring . So the oral contraceptive is two hormones . It's ethanol estradiol and it's a progestin .

Benefits & Issues with Birth Control | Dr. Sara Gottfried & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um What are your concerns ? What do you like about oral contraceptives ? What do you dislike about them ?