Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That is not what I'm saying . And I'm also not saying that you need to purchase very expensive water in order to derive the maximum benefits from the water that you drink . It turns out there are a few things that you can do by way of temperature and by way of filtering water and a few other tricks that I'll tell you a little bit later that will allow you to increase the absorption rate of water in the gut , which turns out to be a very interesting but also potentially important thing to do for not just reducing inflammation , but also making sure that you're getting proper hydration of different cell types in your body , including rapid hydration of your brain cells , which can greatly enhance cognitive function .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I realize as I'm saying , this , some people out there are probably think , oh no , this guy is like a ph water proponent . He's saying we have to drink alkaline water or buy very fancy water . Now , I want to be clear .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It is true that higher ph water provided that Ph isn't too high is going to be absorbed more quickly , which partially explains why some people have an affinity for this higher ph water . Now , this is not to say that you need to consume high ph water in order to hydrate your body properly . I wanna be very clear about that .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I'm also not saying that you need to purchase very expensive water in order to derive the maximum benefits from the water that you drink . It turns out there are a few things that you can do by way of temperature and by way of filtering water and a few other tricks that I'll tell you a little bit later that will allow you to increase the absorption rate of water in the gut , which turns out to be a very interesting but also potentially important thing to do for not just reducing inflammation , but also making sure that you're getting proper hydration of different cell types in your body , including rapid hydration of your brain cells , which can greatly enhance cognitive function .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And in terms of absorption of water from the endothelial lining and the other cell type lining of your gut into the rest of your body . It is true that higher ph water provided that Ph isn't too high is going to be absorbed more quickly , which partially explains why some people have an affinity for this higher ph water . Now , this is not to say that you need to consume high ph water in order to hydrate your body properly .