Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It is true that higher ph water provided that Ph isn't too high is going to be absorbed more quickly , which partially explains why some people have an affinity for this higher ph water . Now , this is not to say that you need to consume high ph water in order to hydrate your body properly . I wanna be very clear about that .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I'm also not saying that you need to purchase very expensive water in order to derive the maximum benefits from the water that you drink . It turns out there are a few things that you can do by way of temperature and by way of filtering water and a few other tricks that I'll tell you a little bit later that will allow you to increase the absorption rate of water in the gut , which turns out to be a very interesting but also potentially important thing to do for not just reducing inflammation , but also making sure that you're getting proper hydration of different cell types in your body , including rapid hydration of your brain cells , which can greatly enhance cognitive function .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That is , if the water that you consume is too acidic , it will not move as quickly from your gut into the other regions of your body . And therefore the other cells of your body that require that water will not be able to access it as readily . You've probably experienced this if you've consumed certain water and it feels like it's sloshing around in your stomach or it feels like it's um just somehow staying there or you feel it its presence more , not just as volume , but it's almost as if you can feel the little waves of water along the inside of your gut .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And also those gut cells doesn't change that much on a moment to moment basis . So if somebody tells you that you should drink alkaline water or alkalized water as it's sometimes called , in order to keep your body more alkaline and less acidic . There is essentially no basis for that at a macroscopic level or even at a local level .

Is Alkaline Water Better for Hydration? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I realize as I'm saying , this , some people out there are probably think , oh no , this guy is like a ph water proponent . He's saying we have to drink alkaline water or buy very fancy water . Now , I want to be clear .