GDL March 10, 2023

Oh , let's , let's segue , let's get into it . We were also talking about what are the appropriate times to contact people for business , business or friends , friends , friends , friends . You could start at like 6 30 in the morning .

GDL March 10, 2023

Like 8 20 in the morning ? Is that appropriate time to or should he gone a little earlier ? Oh , let's , let's segue , let's get into it .

GDL March 10, 2023

Why are you throwing them across the table ? I had to contact it . All right .

GDL March 10, 2023

I love all of our phones . This is when you can have your ringer on . Oh , here we go .

GDL March 10, 2023

All right , Kyle has been bombed since what time ? What time did you let me know ? You text me .