GDL March 10, 2023

Yes , we do . We have Brandon Beamer and CEO have Chappy . This has been such an epic week for me getting to know the actors behind these characters has been so exciting and if you're new to the debate , make sure , make sure you stream it and you binge it because this is something worth binging 23 Emmy Awards winning series .

GDL March 10, 2023

We're gonna continue to binge the bay . We have Brandon Beamer coming up . Don't go anywhere .

GDL March 10, 2023

Um Is that am I saying ? Um Brandon Beamer who's in the studio with us . Um The sex scenes with all the characters to me are very poetic .

GDL March 10, 2023

Everybody is like a , is there like an actual , that they all go to ? Well , you should ask Brandon when they come on . Like , you guys have a gym .

GDL March 10, 2023

Don't go anywhere . We'll be right back with Celeste and Brandon for More Bay . Let's play a game .