What color is ? The Oscar ? It's not red .
Actually , that's a good thing . I'll get to see the Oscars . Oh , there you go .
I did not win . Yes , I did not win an Emmy yet . Season two is in the works .
This has been such an epic week for me getting to know the actors behind these characters has been so exciting and if you're new to the debate , make sure , make sure you stream it and you binge it because this is something worth binging 23 Emmy Awards winning series . I mean , everyone has just been nominated and won multiple times and it's just incredible cutting to these clips of each person . Everyone's been so good , like they're such good actors .
Oh , well , we're impressed by you . Um , one because you're so talented and you're an Emmy Award winning um , producer and actress on this show . Um We have to , you also , this is the first appearance for uh a little guide for you , right ?