It is raining outside . I'm not going to get into the whole uh dramatic uh outcome of it raining , but it's raining for some reason in Los Angeles . I don't know why you happy .
I was gonna say , and I was like , no , no , no , this is not good , you know . And then um then I moved to Los Angeles and I realized that I was like , like most depressed for the first like 18 , 19 years of my life because I dealt with rain nonstop and you just look outside and you go , I don't want to go out there . You think about going to the gym , you're cold all the time .
I mean , I've done more sex scenes than I can count . I mean , the Bay came around like it was , I mean , I've been out in Los Angeles since like 99 . So he's been having sex scenes .
What brought you to New York ? From L A ? Besides the season of depression ?
Ok . And , uh , and apparently the weather waited till the day we were supposed to leave three hours , four hours before we were supposed to leave . We got the news that there was a landslide and we cannot get up there and the cabin canceled on us .