What's the History of Lithium? How Does It Treat Bipolar Disorder? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

The discovery of lithium as a treatment for bipolar disorder is truly a miraculous story that I think everyone should know . The key player in this story is a physician by the last name Cade . He was an Australian physician and Cade has a very interesting story in his own right .

What's the History of Lithium? How Does It Treat Bipolar Disorder? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

The key player in this story is a physician by the last name Cade . He was an Australian physician and Cade has a very interesting story in his own right . Cade was an Australian psychiatrist or Australian psychiatrist who also was a soldier .

What's the History of Lithium? How Does It Treat Bipolar Disorder? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

He was an Australian physician and Cade has a very interesting story in his own right . Cade was an Australian psychiatrist or Australian psychiatrist who also was a soldier . And during world war two , after the fall of Singapore to Japan , he became a prisoner of war and he was a prisoner of war from 1942 until 1945 .

What's the History of Lithium? How Does It Treat Bipolar Disorder? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

This is getting pretty wild and pretty weird , but this is medicine and from time to time this is medicine and science . Cade was a good scientist in addition to being a good physician and by good scientists , I mean that he did control experiments here . He was injecting lithium rate into animals and see an effect .

What's the History of Lithium? How Does It Treat Bipolar Disorder? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And for one reason or another , we don't know why because I couldn't find any report as to why he hypothesized this , but he hypothesized that there was some build up of some chemical in these people's brains that then they would urinate out and that urinating out of whatever chemical was in there would allow them to be more relaxed and not manic . In other words , cade hypothesized that there's a build up of a chemical in certain people's brains that makes them manic and they urinate that chemical out . So eventually he got out of this prison , as we , as we mentioned in 1945 .