My biggest advice is honestly , first to start , you could choose to start out watching it and just seeing how crazy fun it is . I recommend watching a VP Pro beach volleyball . Um It's the association of volleyball professionals and just the aura that that company has created with beach volleyball is going to make it grow so much and they actually do have a junior circuit .
And then I , now I'm here playing at US C and it just , it's like a dream come true . So the beach volleyball community , when I was going through my recruiting process was still pretty small . There was not as many teams as there is now and US C has been and always will be the best .
So our matches in Hawaii this year will be played on the beach . Um , and then all of our fall tournaments were played on an actual beach . So we played in Manhattan Beach , Huntington Beach , um Santa Monica Beach , and then we played a few in Hermosa Beach and we practice there also sometimes which is super cool to get the elements like the wind that you don't really have to think about at a home facility because we are in the middle of a city , but the wind definitely adds a different element to the game .
My name is Kaylee Young . I'm a freshman beach volleyball player at us . C we're actually going for the fourth national championship in a row this year .
And that's a big reason also that my coaches were drawn to me . It's because of the work ethic and I would say every single girl on our team right now has that work ethic because that's what it takes to get to a national championship program as a collegiate beach volleyball player , we practice six times a week , we're in the gym , lifting or conditioning five times a week and that has stayed consistent through off season . And while right now , we're getting into our season just because we take preparation super seriously and want to make sure that we're at the top of our game .