Hi , everyone . My name is Kaylee Young . I'm a freshman beach volleyball player at us .
Thank you so much for watching . I'm Kay Le Young freshman , beach volleyball player at us c just getting to share a little bit more about who I am . Thank you so much .
My name is Kaylee Young . I'm a freshman beach volleyball player at us . C we're actually going for the fourth national championship in a row this year .
I was the kind of person who would send them an email a week , just explaining how much I wanted to go there . I'd send them film and they took a chance on a little girl from Texas and now it's really awesome to be a part of it . There's an NCAA rule .
Um It's the association of volleyball professionals and just the aura that that company has created with beach volleyball is going to make it grow so much and they actually do have a junior circuit . So if your daughter wanted to go play on one of those tournaments , they have several all across the country anywhere from New York to California . And that's actually one of the ways I started getting into it is my first tournament ever was an A VP Juniors tournament and that honestly solidified my love for it just because of the way that they put their tournaments on , they're super fun .