Selecting Male or Female Child? Here's How It Works | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so typically , people do not select to implant those embryos if they have the option to implant embryos , that are of either xx or xy karyotype and the normal chromosomal um arrangements for obvious reasons . So the the whole point here is that sex selection is possible but only using in vitro fertilization . The other thing that is becoming clear to us in more recent years is that sex selection is actually possible at the level of the sperm even prior to fertilization .

Selecting Male or Female Child? Here's How It Works | Dr. Andrew Huberman

There are now emerging methods that people are using in order to separate out the sperm that will indeed give rise to a male offspring versus a female offspring . Now , this of course is done in the context of in vitro fertilization . We haven't talked too much about in vitro fertilization .

Selecting Male or Female Child? Here's How It Works | Dr. Andrew Huberman

If it's in vitro fertilization and give rise very reliably , certainly much more than chance to either male or female embryos . They also , of course , can choose to do this outside the context of in vitro fertilization . So some people are now opting to have their sperm samples spun out in this way , separate out the sperm that give rise to male or female offspring and then to only use the fraction that they are interested in , right ?

Selecting Male or Female Child? Here's How It Works | Dr. Andrew Huberman

We haven't talked too much about in vitro fertilization . But in vitro fertilization involves as the name suggests taking an egg and taking a sperm , pairing them in a dish . This can be done a number of different ways .

Selecting Male or Female Child? Here's How It Works | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So the the whole point here is that sex selection is possible but only using in vitro fertilization . The other thing that is becoming clear to us in more recent years is that sex selection is actually possible at the level of the sperm even prior to fertilization . This is an emerging data set and this is largely happening in clinics outside of the United States .