How to Properly Hydrate & How Much Water to Drink Each Day | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's a whole discussion unto itself , but eight ounces of fluid that is 236 let's just say 240 mL because we don't need to be too precise here of fluid on average every hour for the 1st 10 hours of your day , which translates to an average of 80 ounces of fluid for the 1st 10 hours of your day or 2000 360 mL of water . In other words , approximately 2 L of water plus a little bit more for the 1st 10 hours of your day . Now , I want to be very clear that this does not mean that you need to ingest eight ounces or 236 mL of fluid on the hour every hour for the 1st 10 hours of your day .

How to Properly Hydrate & How Much Water to Drink Each Day | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That is they're going to have uh perhaps 16 ounces of water , 500 mL of water , one portion of the day and then maybe a couple of hours of later that they'll drink some more water or some more coffee or soda or some other beverage . And another portion of the day , I do think , however , it's important for most of us to take a step back and ask ourselves whether or not independent of any other activity or environmental conditions , whether or not we are in fact ingesting 80 ounces or basically 2.4 L of water for that 10 hours of the day that spans from the time we wake up until 10 hours later . Now , why am I setting this 10 hour framework ?

How to Properly Hydrate & How Much Water to Drink Each Day | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It absolutely is . And if you follow the numbers that I talked about before approximately eight ounces or 240 mL of fluid intake per hour in the 1st 10 hours of waking , that should establish a good baseline of hydration heading into exercise which then prompts the next question I often get which is , is the amount of water that needs to be consumed according to the Galvan Equation during exercise on top of or separate from that , that is , does it replace the amount of fluid that one needs at a basic level that eight ounces or 240 Millers . And there , the answer sort of goes both ways .

How to Properly Hydrate & How Much Water to Drink Each Day | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Sometimes the cans of soda are a little bit smaller . That's a whole discussion unto itself , but eight ounces of fluid that is 236 let's just say 240 mL because we don't need to be too precise here of fluid on average every hour for the 1st 10 hours of your day , which translates to an average of 80 ounces of fluid for the 1st 10 hours of your day or 2000 360 mL of water . In other words , approximately 2 L of water plus a little bit more for the 1st 10 hours of your day .

How to Properly Hydrate & How Much Water to Drink Each Day | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And here I'm referring to people that are not doing night shifts . But if you are requesting a number of how much fluid to drink independent of our needs for fluid , for exercise , that's going to be eight ounces of fluid or 240 mL of fluid on average for every hour from the time when we wake up until 10 hours later , that's the simple formulation that should basically ensure that you're getting sufficient baseline hydration for the cells and tissues of your body . Now , if you are engaging in exercise , whether or not it's endurance exercise or whether or not it's resistance training exercise , you are going to need additional fluids in order to maximize the effects of that exercise and to avoid dehydration .