The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

So what we have here is we have 13 people who complained about me hypothetically doing harm to someone they didn't know to someone who they didn't know anyone who knew on as a consequence of things I said on social media and that all of them , not only were they fourth hand claims of harm , which , you know , no psychologist would ever claim that 1/4 hand account of harm constituted a valid measurement . So the bloody college is violating its own measurement standards by even pursuing this . But so not only are they based on fourth hand information and then an outright lie , which is , they were clients of mine .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

Yeah . So the , the college of psychologists has basically levied what are equivalent to about 13 lawsuits against me simultaneously . Now , the reason I call them lawsuits is because there are actions undertaken on behalf of a complainant .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

I said , look , maybe I could get you and Bruce Party , this lawyer at Queen's University who's going after the essentially the college that functions for lawyers . They said we should do three letters same time saying , you know , that the colleges are chilling free speech in Canada with psychologists with , with physicians and with lawyers . And he said he didn't have his house in order enough to dare to take on the college .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

It's tens of millions and like the , the what , how many people complained 20 out of millions . And then the college didn't have to pursue those complaints . They can in , they have to investigate them .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

That the reason that that's a problem is because it's about me . The reason it's a problem is because the colleges in general , like the regulatory boards of professionals are doing this to everyone , lawyers , physicians , teachers , massage therapists , there's all these licensed professions . And if you're , if you're a licensed profession , the government establishes a board of your peers to regulate conduct of the professionals .