The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

Yeah . So the , the college of psychologists has basically levied what are equivalent to about 13 lawsuits against me simultaneously . Now , the reason I call them lawsuits is because there are actions undertaken on behalf of a complainant .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

And I think they're most upset in that case about , uh , my comments about the inadequacy of climate models . And so , you know , part of the reason I'm pursuing this action with regard to the Ontario College of Psychologists . Well , there's two reasons really .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

I said , look , maybe I could get you and Bruce Party , this lawyer at Queen's University who's going after the essentially the college that functions for lawyers . They said we should do three letters same time saying , you know , that the colleges are chilling free speech in Canada with psychologists with , with physicians and with lawyers . And he said he didn't have his house in order enough to dare to take on the college .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

And then they submitted one complainant from the US , submitted the entire transcript of our last discussion . So , you know , I don't know how to defend myself against that because apparently everything I say , and apparently everything you say too is bringing the profession of psychology into disgrace . And I think they're most upset in that case about , uh , my comments about the inadequacy of climate models .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

So we decided to have this conversation because of what's going on with you in Canada . And that your clinical psychology license is in jeopardy because you have opinions about politics that they disagree with , which is a very dangerous and bizarre turn of events . Well , it's your fault actually .