The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

Hey , because this can't be personal , can't be about me . Part of the reason that I wanna pursue this and part of the reason we're pursuing an objection to what they're doing on Charter of Rights grounds in Canada is because they're interfering with my freedom of conscience and speech . And again , it isn't even the case .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

I said , look , maybe I could get you and Bruce Party , this lawyer at Queen's University who's going after the essentially the college that functions for lawyers . They said we should do three letters same time saying , you know , that the colleges are chilling free speech in Canada with psychologists with , with physicians and with lawyers . And he said he didn't have his house in order enough to dare to take on the college .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

It's so bizarre . So Orwellian . Yeah .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

Uh , the one complaint is about the tweet I made about Ellen or Elliot page . And when I said that a criminal physician cut off her breasts and that pride was the sin . So now I'm in trouble again because I just said the same thing , one was about uh sports illustrated cover where they teach that overweight model and I tweeted out not beautiful .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

But so not only are they based on fourth hand information and then an outright lie , which is , they were clients of mine . They're , they're also predicated on the assumption that it's ok to go after a professional for expressing political criticism because like literally half of them are . Well , I said something about Trudeau .