The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

So the , the college of psychologists has basically levied what are equivalent to about 13 lawsuits against me simultaneously . Now , the reason I call them lawsuits is because there are actions undertaken on behalf of a complainant . Now , the complainant can be anyone anywhere in the world who complains about me for any reason .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

Now , the reason I call them lawsuits is because there are actions undertaken on behalf of a complainant . Now , the complainant can be anyone anywhere in the world who complains about me for any reason . They don't have to be former clients .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

You know , I said something about climate . Every single one of the complaints is political . And so why is that a problem ?

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

So , you know , so it could be someone online . It is all this is pretty much all these complaints are someone online . None of them are my clients , although half of them claim to be falsely and the college didn't throw out their complaints despite that .

The Re-Education of Jordan Peterson: Why His Clinical Psychology License is Under Threat

Yeah . So the , the college of psychologists has basically levied what are equivalent to about 13 lawsuits against me simultaneously . Now , the reason I call them lawsuits is because there are actions undertaken on behalf of a complainant .