Winter and Summer House Ladies Reveal Their Dream "House" Casts | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

So what Bravo Cast would you like to see living together in a summer , winter house that you guys who would you bring with you ? Like the housewives have an ultimate girls trip and they ask , who do you want to bring ?

Winter and Summer House Ladies Reveal Their Dream "House" Casts | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

So that's really cute . But there's a lot of great moms and relationships and sisterhoods in this bravo verse . And I'm just very grateful to learn from everybody in whatever capacity .

Winter and Summer House Ladies Reveal Their Dream "House" Casts | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

Um Are you having a great time ? And are there any Bravo moms here that you want to get advice from ? Ok , I feel like Madison , we had a really great conversation the other day .

Winter and Summer House Ladies Reveal Their Dream "House" Casts | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

Oh , thank you . I was pregnant last Bravo Con . Um Are you having a great time ?

Winter and Summer House Ladies Reveal Their Dream "House" Casts | BravoCon 2023 | Bravo

That was an amazing answer . By the way , I want to know who's messy charter guests or your winter house castmates . The winter house classmates myself included , I did participate a lot .