LA Unscripted | April 7th, 2023

Um We have so many varieties of natural stones that we use genuine gemstones . Um but it's everyday effortless jewelry , grana um has been around as the company uh since 2004 . Her and her husband started this truly from their apartment floor uh from the ground up quite literally .

LA Unscripted | April 7th, 2023

Um We have so many varieties of natural stones that we use genuine gemstones . Um but it's everyday effortless jewelry , grana um has been around as the company uh since 2004 . Her and her husband started this truly from their apartment floor uh from the ground up quite literally .

LA Unscripted | April 7th, 2023

Of course , we've been so excited to have you . I wanna check out everything Goana is truly an everyday wear collection um offered to any individual who's seeking everyday wear for solid gold pieces , plating gold . Um We have so many varieties of natural stones that we use genuine gemstones .

LA Unscripted | April 7th, 2023

Of course , we've been so excited to have you . I wanna check out everything Goana is truly an everyday wear collection um offered to any individual who's seeking everyday wear for solid gold pieces , plating gold . Um We have so many varieties of natural stones that we use genuine gemstones .

LA Unscripted | April 7th, 2023

Even before we were able to start the brick and mortar journey , we were really able to win the hearts of so many myself included um by being introduced in Nordstrom or Bloomingdale's , I think what has really put us on the map are these pieces ? There are power gemstone bracelets whether it's for gifting to another or for self . Um You can see on the back of each card it'll redo the exact meaning of that stone and the intentionality piece behind it .