LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

And I keep telling people just start , start somewhere , start small and make daily goals . Part of winning I think is meeting ourselves with love and kindness and compassion . And there's a lot of pressure on us in this town and this city and this business , me , I can teach you how to get into great shape .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

You can preorder it . Now , a book provides numerous stories on how a nontraditional road to success can be accessible to all . And you don't have to have gone to business school and you don't have to know everybody just ways and crazy ways that I've been successful in my career through nontraditional routes .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

And there's good days and there's bad days , but I'm a little bit of a biohacking geek . I think that there are ways to combat stress and there are ways to feel good and there are ways to create energy and longevity . ND is something that we're born with and then when we turn 40 we produce less and less of it .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

But I take it every day like clockwork the same way that I make sure I'm mindful in the morning . Let's get out there and sweat , move your body , encourage each other to live a healthier life . Give somebody like a helping hand , get an accountability buddy .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

Um and that are new into coming into the business . So for me to be able to use my experiences and help these parents and help these kids and sort of give them a different view on certain things and help them , you know , um be comfortable in this very strange industry , um has been like really healing and really amazing for me , so many incredible women . We thank you all for your time .