LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

And I keep telling people just start , start somewhere , start small and make daily goals . Part of winning I think is meeting ourselves with love and kindness and compassion . And there's a lot of pressure on us in this town and this city and this business , me , I can teach you how to get into great shape .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

Um And that's been an interesting journey in my life , of course , had experiences as a child actor that you hear about all the time , the pressures , the um the experiences sort of being treated like an adult from a very young age and things like that . But what I will say now that I'm a wise 40 year old woman , which is so weird um is that I feel like I've been able to turn sort of any of those negative experiences or traumas or whatever into lessons and I am not angry about them and um I use them in my work when I'm working with kids because I'm , you know , I teach a lot of uh I , I vocal coach , a lot of really incredibly talented kids . Um and that are new into coming into the business .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

How do we feel when we wake up in the morning ? And if it's funky or if it's off , how do we shift into a healthier mindset ? My mentality is ageless .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

And there's good days and there's bad days , but I'm a little bit of a biohacking geek . I think that there are ways to combat stress and there are ways to feel good and there are ways to create energy and longevity . ND is something that we're born with and then when we turn 40 we produce less and less of it .

LA Unscripted | January 6th, 2023

Um and that are new into coming into the business . So for me to be able to use my experiences and help these parents and help these kids and sort of give them a different view on certain things and help them , you know , um be comfortable in this very strange industry , um has been like really healing and really amazing for me , so many incredible women . We thank you all for your time .