Could the Government Keep Knowledge of Aliens a Secret?

Although we've never experienced , it seems rational , it seems very rational . And if you were going to study an emerging civilization that is both primitive and warlike and yet insanely technologically advanced to the point where they have nuclear weapons , they could transmit video through the sky , they have propaganda , they have tracking of their citizens like that's us . That's us right now .

Could the Government Keep Knowledge of Aliens a Secret?

Uh , you know , we , we , we , it's , it's , it's being prejudiced based on what that person looks like over there is becoming harder and harder to justify where it was before we knew about that . We were like , well , those people over there are quote unquote savages or there this , that and the other thing and I do think that we are getting a better understanding of what it's like to be each other and nudge and being nudged in the same direction . I'm not saying we don't , we don't but why , and , and uh it's interesting to think about where that's where that's leading us to , to what , to , what understanding , to what understanding .

Could the Government Keep Knowledge of Aliens a Secret?

We are . It's , it's really hard to say that an , uh , a Yanomamo Indian or whoever it might be is , thinks about things differently than I do when I know so much about how all these human beings like someone in Iran , um , someone in Jordan , uh , laughs and cries and bleeds at the same thing I do . Uh , you know , we , we , we , it's , it's , it's being prejudiced based on what that person looks like over there is becoming harder and harder to justify where it was before we knew about that .

Could the Government Keep Knowledge of Aliens a Secret?

We are creating machines and doing our best to create them in our own image , right ? And that's interesting , you know , that's because our , the , the mythologies that we subscribe to are the idea that this God that we pray to , made us in his image . And we're doing the same thing now with robots and , and computers .

Could the Government Keep Knowledge of Aliens a Secret?

So uh what , what is that , what is that leading us to it is nudging us closer . It's , it's like the , I think it's very significant that we're getting a better understanding of what it's like to be someone else . We are .