Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

I never heard that before . The difference between evolution and change . I don't think people change .

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

Whereas my guy was like , no , I'm out , this is just , but that whole thing don't think that just because it's your age , you don't and , and your level of experience , you don't get talked to like a twelve-year-old . And then what you have to do with me is you talk about changing and versus evolving . I think you guys are right .

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

And um without getting too much into the weight loss portion , explain the finding of why Natasha . I think when you have your why the reason why you're doing anything in life and like what Kelsey said earlier about people don't change , they evolve . I think people can change if they have a big enough why ?

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

I don't know . I think I've always said , I think people can evolve . I don't think people change .

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

I don't think people change . So when you evolve , you maybe you evolve to a point to say , ok , I know I am a venture . I know I'm like that .