Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

You know , so much of the mana thing came from , I just want , it just seems like it base value and by the way , this used to make him so upset when people accused him of this . But at the end of the day , it was , you know , you wanted significance and fame and you didn't get it in music . So then you had to go get it another way and he , you know , he would , yeah , that used to drive him crazy .

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

I think people can change if they have a big enough why ? And if your why is big enough , it will motivate you to do anything really ? Wow .

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

And I know the , I know the person who shot John Lennon , one of the reasons why he doesn't get out is because every time he goes to parole , they just get him talk , get him talking , he's like , let him talk and it's , it's all about how he wants to go on tour and share his message . And , and so they're like , no , the same drive for significance that made you shoot him is you still have that in you . So for that reason , for that reason , absolutely not , you're still in , it's just interesting .

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

But the one thing is when I said , you know , when we went over , who wanted to win and , you know , who want to win a lot , who wanted to win a little , who just , uh , 100% be honest , did not care when , you know , I really was specific because this , especially in your moment when you rolled that dice , did you not want to get on the land in your , um , medallion on the , and everybody wanted , you say , of course , but some people don't think they , well , when you want , think that everyone um , is gonna have an equal outcome , then you don't understand that that's gonna be a problem because everyone want , now some people want it more than others and we do need more safe in for those people who want it too much are pigs greedy , crooked . But for the most part , it's a human ingredient of wanting to compete or wanting to do a little more . And so if everyone quits and quiet quits , they'll be fine as long as they have the parents or the society that can give them fill their needs .

Regular Guy Friday ep 125. The Hazards of Not Being Seen

But I wish I was with the star maybe , I don't know , a month ago and who hangs out with a bunch of other stars . And the irony is that this one star is the most talented of all her friends and , but these other friends have , this other group have made her believe that she's the smaller one and that they're the bigger ones and she's gonna kiss their rings all the time . And , and I use this as a teaching example with Maria , you know , um , I said , ok , so she's been running with this group for whatever , a decade or so .