This is besides the magic , you know that picture , you know , the picture of tell , tell us a story besides the show . What's the closest you ever felt to magic ? Yeah .
It looks like I never read the instructions , question everything . When have you felt the closest to magic in your life ? You don't have to say right now .
I looked up at the sky and just had like this like very a massive , immense sense of peace and I've yet to have it again . And that was back in 20 felt close to magic . Since that , since that , that , that , that like , I feel so sad .
Why ? Because my closest thing to magic is this set and having this talk show . No , that's not what I'm supposed to say .
I just never like grabbed the bottle and like sat there and be like , oh , thanks so much . Well , it's cool to like practice it because when you practice it , you feel it and you feel like what it's like to have those moments . You know , a lot of people like that would train for the Olympics , they would practice what it's like to win the award .