One of the biggest things I had to do in the off season was like , eat some more because I came in , I think I like 160 like I was playing at like 165 so I'd eat , put on weight and then , you know , just get better at everything . And for the kids out there that are watching this , this could be my biggest advice to you ever . It's not , basically , it's not about like how much skills you have .
Um Him and my dad are incredibly close and the three of us are close and we call ourselves the three man weave . My dad always says this thing called like chop wood Carry Water . Um It's a book .
And I think that's , that's kind of what separates like the better players , embrace your journey and embrace who you are for one . Those are important , everybody's journey is different . Like I was in a top , you know , 25 top 50 guy .
Uh my dad got a job at UC Riverside and that's when I met the greatest coach I've ever played for one of my biggest supporters . Um and someone who's taught me so much about basketball and life in general . Um Him and my dad are incredibly close and the three of us are close and we call ourselves the three man weave .
So it's , it's really trying to figure out like , almost like holy crap . Like I have a week to kind of sign and decide where I'm gonna go . And so I remember calling Coach Romar , um , at , at Pepperdine .