Well , because we have a holiday coming up . We do , we have Valentine's week coming up . We are inviting our very , very special guests of all time here back at the studio um that are talking about love how they met .
So it's really cool . So um here's Valentine's Week on Good Day Live . So we're really excited to be teaming up with some incredible sponsors um and um giving beautiful gifts to our beautiful guests .
So um here's Valentine's Week on Good Day Live . So we're really excited to be teaming up with some incredible sponsors um and um giving beautiful gifts to our beautiful guests . Yeah .
Um , no . So I'm really excited for Valentine's Day . Um , even though I'm like , single as a dollar bill .
We're working on it but just uh anticipate a really good show . Lots of love , lots of chocolates and um , lots of red and pink . I miss it .