Cool . Listen , I think you look , here are some of our guest appearances coming up for the week . We got Natasha Graziano , the number one Forbes motivational speaker .
Not into it , which is what we're talking about with Andy as well , you know , no , single men , single , single , straight , straight , straight , not into it . We have a very special guest coming up today . Um , is Tracy Terris licensed marriage , family therapist to talk about , uh the New Year and um anxiety and all that and how to uh continue to follow your , uh your goals for the New Year .
Like I just , it's , it's a lot , it's like , it's like if you have a best friend that's a female for like 10 plus years , it's , you're just like , you know what I mean ? I don't know my friend Dre who's gonna be coming on the show , I think this week and helping me do a live stream at open closet here in Santa Monica , California . Um uh She was saying , you know , Michelle , I have a friend that like , I never once wanted to date or date or anything and we've been friends for like 10 plus years .
This show is not just , we have big plans for this , it's not just , you know , we're not just here on Amazon . We have other shows that are in the pipeline . This is what I'm like , who's gonna be there ?
You are part of the family . Make sure you tune in daily because we are a daily talk show and we talk about all things ridiculous and um things important too . We , we do go , we go deep and then we go right back to shallow waters .