LA Unscripted | December 19th, 2022

Sing it and we have more local deals and steals breaking news if you didn't know it already . JC Penney is now in the beauty business . Big time .

LA Unscripted | December 19th, 2022

I mean , if you're looking for it , they got it . JC Penney Beauty has a lot to offer to shoppers whether it's skin care , Bold Cosmetics , a wide variety of fragrances and a wide assortment of nail polishes as well . We also do carry brands from mass all the way to prestige .

LA Unscripted | December 19th, 2022

Right . JC Penney Beauty has launched this exciting new in store and online experience so you can come in the store and check out a variety of different brands and this is about no matter what your age , your gender , your skin tone , your hair type , your beauty regiment or budget is because they want you to know when you come in store and check it out online , you just have this incredible shopping experience of whether it's makeup , skin care , nail polish fragrance , they get you covered . What a great gift to get some stocking stuff .

LA Unscripted | December 19th, 2022

Those are so great . JC Penney is the first department store to offer both digital makeup and skin care services simultaneously through the power of A I and A are . Its partner is prioritizing inclusivity by analyzing more than 120 skin metrics to provide users with an in depth analysis of their and offer beauty product recommendations and skin care tailored to their unique needs and online , they've got virtual makeup try on along with a skin care quiz .

LA Unscripted | December 19th, 2022

Um I love cosmetics and I love skin care as well . So JC Penney Beauty has a lot to offer a green thumb at Rogers Garden . When unscripted from the mission in hotel and spa is back before you can untangle your Christmas tree lights .