What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , unlike a lot of substances and drugs that actually attach to the surface of cells to receptors as they're called low parking spots and then trigger a bunch of downstream like domino cascades of effects . Alcohol actually has its own direct effects on cells because it can really just pass into those cells . So it's water and fa fat soluble .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But they are cells and they are exposed to the seed , allow to hide in the conversion process . And so cells within the liver really take a beating in the alcohol metabolism events . So the key thing to understand here is that when you ingest alcohol , you are , yes , ingesting a poison .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's broken down into acetyl aldehyde . And if you thought ethanol was bad acetyl aldehyde is particularly bad acetyl aldehyde is poison , it will kill cells , it damages and kills cells and it is indiscriminate as to which cells it damages and kills . Now , that's a problem obviously , and the body deals with that problem by using another component of the N ad biochemical pathway to convert ace aldehyde into something called acetate .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Because of the structure of alcohol , it is what's called both water soluble and fat soluble , translated into what's meaningful for you . What that means is when you drink alcohol , it can pass into all the cells and tissues of your body , it has no trouble just passing right into those cells . So , unlike a lot of substances and drugs that actually attach to the surface of cells to receptors as they're called low parking spots and then trigger a bunch of downstream like domino cascades of effects .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I'd love to be able to tell you otherwise . But that's just a fact , ethanol produces substantial damage to cells and it does that because when you ingest ethanol , it has to be converted into something else because it is toxic to the body . And there's a molecule inside of all of us called N AD .