What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And the fact that it can pass into so many organs and cells so easily is really what explains its damaging effects . I should mention that there are three main types of alcohol . There's isopropyl , methyl and ethyl alcohol and only the last one , ethyl alcohol or ethanol is fit for human consumption .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I should mention that there are three main types of alcohol . There's isopropyl , methyl and ethyl alcohol and only the last one , ethyl alcohol or ethanol is fit for human consumption . However , it is still toxic .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And then some people makes people feel really , especially energized and happy . Well , alcohol is indiscriminate in terms of which brain areas it goes to . Again , it doesn't bind to particular receptors , but it does seem to have a propensity or an affinity for particular brain areas that are involved in certain kinds of thinking and behavior .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , unlike a lot of substances and drugs that actually attach to the surface of cells to receptors as they're called low parking spots and then trigger a bunch of downstream like domino cascades of effects . Alcohol actually has its own direct effects on cells because it can really just pass into those cells . So it's water and fa fat soluble .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But nonetheless , when you ingest alcohol , some percentage is being shuttled into a worse poison and some is being shuttled into a fuel source . Now , the important thing to understand is that it is the poison , the acetyl aldehyde itself that leads to the effect of being inebriated or drunk . I think most people don't realize that that being drunk is actually a poison induced disruption in the way that your neural circuits work .