What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I know some people talk about sugar is empty calories , but sugar actually is a far better fuel source than alcohol or acetate . But nonetheless , when you ingest alcohol , some percentage is being shuttled into a worse poison and some is being shuttled into a fuel source . Now , the important thing to understand is that it is the poison , the acetyl aldehyde itself that leads to the effect of being inebriated or drunk .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And we'll talk about the effects on each of those soon . So what happens when alcohol gets into the brain that makes us feel tipsy or drunk ? And then some people makes people feel really , especially energized and happy .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I'd love to be able to tell you otherwise . But that's just a fact , ethanol produces substantial damage to cells and it does that because when you ingest ethanol , it has to be converted into something else because it is toxic to the body . And there's a molecule inside of all of us called N AD .

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , the important thing to understand is that it is the poison , the acetyl aldehyde itself that leads to the effect of being inebriated or drunk . I think most people don't realize that that being drunk is actually a poison induced disruption in the way that your neural circuits work . And so we should ask ourselves like which neural circuits , what brain areas , what body areas involved in feeling drunk or inebriated in thinking about the biochemical effects of alcohol and what it's doing to the body , what it's doing in all cases is it's consumed into the gut , right ?

What Alcohol Does to Your Brain | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But nonetheless , when you ingest alcohol , some percentage is being shuttled into a worse poison and some is being shuttled into a fuel source . Now , the important thing to understand is that it is the poison , the acetyl aldehyde itself that leads to the effect of being inebriated or drunk . I think most people don't realize that that being drunk is actually a poison induced disruption in the way that your neural circuits work .