Social life versus sport . How do you balance it ? Oh , that's such a good .
Like , it's , it's tough . It's a really hard balance . It's also really hard mentally to see people do better than you when you are working harder , but it always comes around and everything's gonna be ok .
But I also got to have this college experience and to live out my dream of being a coach , beach volleyball player . So how did you find the balance of , like , your friends who were , like , not in the same , like , sports world ? Were you able to , like , almost , like , explain to them or like , how did they take it when it's like , you're going to these beach tournaments hours away ?
I mean , how could you ? But in high school , um , it was just , it was pretty hard balancing the training schedule of practicing , like almost every single day after school to then having tournaments on the weekends , Saturday , Sunday , sometimes , both days . Um , while also trying to have a social life with my friends , um , from back home and not to say that I didn't , I , I spent plenty of time with my high school friends and had a great experience with them , but it was hard , like missing those birthday parties like that thing .
It's also really hard mentally to see people do better than you when you are working harder , but it always comes around and everything's gonna be ok . It's gonna work out the way it's supposed to and try not to compare yourself . That's one of the hardest things about being a college athlete and especially in a sport where it's so competitive and you're surrounded by such great athletes .