Um The next question is what are some tips to say ? Motivated motivation , motivation is so interesting because if I were to tell someone who is like younger about motivation , I would one hope I take my own advice on this . But I would say like motivation is one thing , but also consistency is another .
Motivated motivation , motivation is so interesting because if I were to tell someone who is like younger about motivation , I would one hope I take my own advice on this . But I would say like motivation is one thing , but also consistency is another . So like staying consistent , you , you're not gonna have motivation every day and that's just point blank .
But like if you stay consistent , that's how like you reach your goals and your dreams , which is something I'm still very much working for . But for me and like this is a big thing I learned at UCL A is motivation is like finding your , why ? That's the best way to stay motivated is understanding like , why do you do the things you do when I'm going to practice after I just stayed up all night , doing homework and I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep .
It just because I can say I did it and it just changes . So that's like my overall for motivation . But like one of my favorite , like , little tips and tricks would be find like any footage of yourself or somebody else that you admire playing .
But for me and like this is a big thing I learned at UCL A is motivation is like finding your , why ? That's the best way to stay motivated is understanding like , why do you do the things you do when I'm going to practice after I just stayed up all night , doing homework and I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep . Like , why am I going to do this ?